It is important to know that not everyone may have the same symptoms. The symptoms vary with the severity of the syndrome. Women may have menstrual problems or may face problem in conceiving or both depending upon the severity.



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PCOD or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 

Profile Blood is a test that assesses the functions and levels of various hormones in your body. The Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is found in 5-10% of women between the age of 15 and 44 who are in their reproductive stage. Most women find out about their PCOS in their 20s and 30s when they have trouble conceiving.

Complications and abnormalities in androgens & estrogens and gonadotropins cause this syndrome. It may be associated with infertility early in life and hyperandrogenism but sometimes it leads to life long serious conditions like Ovarian cancer, Coronary artery disease, mellitus, and Diabetes. Therefore, it is crucial to get treatment of PCOS as early as possible.

What are the various symptoms associated with PCOS?

It is important to know that not everyone may have the same symptoms. The symptoms vary with the severity of the syndrome. Women may have menstrual problems or may face problem in conceiving or both depending upon the severity.

Here are some of the symptoms of PCOS:

1) Irregular, infrequent, heavy or no periods at all
2) Difficulty getting pregnant due to improper ovulation of ovarian eggs
3) Multiple cysts formation on the ovaries.
4) Thinning or loss of hair (Alopecia)
5) Excess hair growth on face, chest, buttocks or back (Hirutism)
6) Oily skin or acne on face and body
7) Development of darkened skin patches (Acanthosis Nigricans)
8) Weight gain
9) Depression
10) Anxiety
11) Mood Changes
12) Sleep disorder
13) Erectile dysfunction in men

If you notice these symptoms in your body you should go for a PCOD profile check after consultation with a doctor. You may have to go for various test in order to determine the state of your PCOD. The best option for you would be to select a quality PCOD Profile test package in a registered medical center.

The best PCOD Profile test package would consist of the following tests:

Luteinising Hormone (LH) Test: This test assesses the amount of LH (Luteinising Hormone) present in the blood. The hormone is present in both men and women and affects the sex organs during sexual development. The hormone is produced in the pituitary gland. This test is done to pinpoint the exact time of your ovulation and thus figure out the various problems associated with this.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Test: Just like the LH test, FSH test helps in learning the levels of follicle stimulating hormone present in the blood of both men and women. This hormone plays an important role in the reproductive system of a human being. Follicle-stimulating hormone like the Luteinising Hormone (LH) is produced by the pituitary gland present in our body. The levels of FSH vary with age and gender. These tests help in determining the levels of FSH present in your body is normal or not.

Serum Prolactin Test: Prolactin or lactogenic hormone is produced in the pituitary gland. The Serum Prolactin tests are conducted to measure the levels of prolactin in the blood of the patient. Normal levels of these hormones ensure a healthy reproductive system in both the genders. In women, this hormone helps in the development of breast milk when they are pregnant or nursing. However, the role of Prolactin hormone is not known.
Reproductive or Sexual organ problems are something that shouldn’t be ignored. If you have noticed the symptoms of PCOS in your body, you should quickly consult with a qualified doctor who would suggest you the right tests that you need to go for. If you are looking for a perfect PCOS Test package at a cost-effective price you would find the best  Delhi at nagloi 

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